
2009年7月16日—Ifneitherarepresent,Facebookwilllookatthecontentofyourpageandchooseimagesfromyourpagethatmeetitsshareimagecriteria: ...,2023年12月26日—Selectpicturestoupload.YoucandraganddroppicturesfromyourfilemanagerordesktoporclicktheAddPhotos/Videostexttoopenyour ...,Describeshowtospecifyimage(s)inlinkshares,howtoensuretheyaredisplayedproperly,howtoupdatethemandsomecaveats.,SharephotosonFace...

How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other ...

2009年7月16日 — If neither are present, Facebook will look at the content of your page and choose images from your page that meet its share image criteria: ...

How to Upload Pictures to Facebook

2023年12月26日 — Select pictures to upload. You can drag and drop pictures from your file manager or desktop or click the Add Photos/Videos text to open your ...

Images in Link Shares - Meta for Developers

Describes how to specify image(s) in link shares, how to ensure they are displayed properly, how to update them and some caveats.

Share photos on Facebook

Share photos on Facebook ... 1. At the top of your Feed, tap Photo. 2. Tap Camera to take a photo, or tap Browse to select photos from your phone. 3. If you want, ...

Share photos on Facebook

Share photos on Facebook ... 1. At the top of your Feed, tap Photo. 2. Tap Camera to take a photo, or tap Browse to select photos from your phone. 3. If you like, ...

Share photos or videos from your Facebook Page

Share photos or videos from your Facebook Page · 1. Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. · 2. Tap Switch Profiles in the top right, then select ...

Sharing and Editing Photos

Facebook · Share photos on Facebook · Share photos on Facebook · How do I post a photo to my friend's timeline on Facebook? · How do I post a photo to my ...